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Community Board meetings happen roughly every six weeks on a Tuesday evening. Our job is to bring important and interesting issues to meetings, and we're happy for people in the community to approach us about issues they want to bring too! We have standing orders that outline clear rules for meetings, but we try and stay open to contribution for the public where we can. Here's some basic info about our meetings so we're all on the same page with our expectations.

Raumati Community Board Meeting Kaupapa

Dialogue may be robust, honest, and even challenging, but it must remain respectful.

Come along to listen and learn, not just talk

Curiosity is welcome, but be aware that others are curious too and time is limited

It’s important that we can support you, so please communicate any special needs in advance

There will be times when the discussion needs to stay with Board
Members - please be respectful of those times.

The Chair is ultimately responsible for the meeting and everyone present, so the final word rests with them,

Raumati Community Board meetings aim to balance the established rules with people’s need to engage. We welcome contribution, but we need to be fair to Board Members, Council Staff, Presenters, and other members of the public. The following Kaupapa will guide our meetings:


Useful Links:


* Info on Board Members and Meetings:


* Info and form for our Grants


* Our Facebook, Instagram & YouTube


* ​Standing Orders​


* Community Board boundaries map




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