Our Focus
There's always a lot going on, and many needs to fill.
But our first duty is always the people in our community.
We focus on supporting and building the community, while being mindful of not creating unnessary ratepayer expense.

Our key points of focus:
A connected community
​We aim to connect the parts of our communtiy, building local relationships to ensure we can provide support where it's needed.
a participatpory community
We are focused on working in a way that enables us to
contribute to our community, and empowers people to participate in the community.
a community with vision
We are focused on supporting the award-winning Our Vision for Raumati project to ensure the community Vision remains relevant, purposeful, and fruitful.
keeping up with context
We are focused on staying on top of what goes on in Council to ensure our community is front and centre of mind for decision makers, and so our people can stay focused on the issues that matter to them,
a systems challenger
We are focused on asking "why" for our community. We advocate for Raumati and we lean in to hard conversations respectfully in order to achieve positive outcomes for our community.
districtwide partnerships
We are focused on building relationships outside of the community to work collaboratively with other parts of Kapiti, and we represent our community mindfully.